is proud to present the #1 online catalog of wedding favors, assembled for your convenience.

Every week our editors scour the globe to find the best wedding favors, write reviews, and search for the very best prices.

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Free Wedding
Countdown Widgets!

Counting down to the big day? Do it in style, and do it with a purpose, with our designer widgets.

Not only are they great to look at, but when you generate and post your widget online, we’ll sponsor a meal for a hungry child through the United Nations World Food Program!

After posting your designer countdown widget code on to your site, email us your website/blog URL so we can credit you with helping a child in need!

~ To get started, first choose your background below ~

Now just enter in your information, click generate and voila!

Who are the Bride and Gloom?
(example: Aiden & Kate)
What're they doing?
(example: are getting married in...)
Countdown date:

Countdown size
Your email:
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